Helen O'Rourke runs a friendly Chiropody / Podiatry practice in Lewes and Eastbourne and offers a range of podiatric treatments for  foot-related conditions.


Helen's Qualifications

Helen O'Rourke qualified as a Chiropodist / Podiatrist in 1994.  She worked in the NHS for more than twenty years and has been in private practice since 2013.

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Make an appointment?

If you'd like to make an appointment by email please send us your details.

Podiatry for Everyone

From babies to their grandparents, Helen offers treatment for all. Her service is welcoming and friendly and most of her referrals are via word of mouth.

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Talk it over with Helen?

If you're not sure whether you need an appointment, call Helen to see if she can help.

Call on 01273 805272

Flexible clinic hours

Helen's clinic times are designed to ensure that everyone, at whatever stage of life and work, can find a time to see her which will fit in with their schedules.

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Request a Home Visit?

If it's difficult for you to visit the clinic please call Helen to arrange a podiatric home visit or email.

Call on 01273 805272


BSc (Hons) Pod Bachelor of Science with Honours
DPod.M.Diploma in Podiatric Medicine
M.Ch.S.Member of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists
HCPC Registered with the Health Care Professional Council
As part of these studies, I hold a Local Anaesthetic Certificate allowing
me to perform the necessary surgery at my clinics.

University Clinical Lecturer - 2007 onwards
20 years working for the National Health Service

HCPC Registration for Helen O'Rouke on Fitness for Feet website
Badge for The Society of Chiropodiss and Podiatrists on FItness for Feet website

Website design and photography by www.100designs.co.uk